Training and Placement Cell


The training & placement cell at our institute focuses on uplifting students’ skills by providing them the industry-oriented training. These training programs help our students to be industry ready. The grooming programs cover Soft Skills, Aptitude & Technical Training. We deliver these programs to our students through the CSR initiatives of corporates. We also provide certification programs to our students to improve their technical knowledge. The T&P cell also arrange awareness sessions related to higher education, start-up & UPSC/MPSC exams for the students. The T&P cell invites experts from industries to make students aware about recent challenges & opportunities in the industries.

At our institute almost all the programs & campus hiring drives are executed by pre-final year students. They enthusiastically work for the smooth conduction of campus recruitment drives. Volunteering the activities of T&P cell gives the best exposure to student coordinators because of that they get placed easily when the placement season begins for their batch.

We the T&P cell ensures to bring the best opportunities for our students & at that the same time we also ensure to provide the best talent pool to industry.

Prof.Indrajit S. Sonawane 
Training and Placement Officer
Mb-+91 86690 14528
LinkedIn Profile


Aiming to Place the maximum number of students through campus & off-campus interviews conducted by the companies.


  1. To train students to meet the Industries recruitment process.
  2. To motivate students to develop technical knowledge and soft skills.
  3. To motivate students to aspire for higher studies and to guide them to take competitive exams such as CAT, GATE, TOEFL, GRE, IES,UPSC etc.
  4. To prepare the students to face competitive examinations and interviews through training programs viz, aptitude tests, group discussions, mock interviews etc.
  5. To assist the students in career planning and employment strategies.
  6. To invite reputed companies to the college and organize campus placement drives.

T&P Faculty Team for A.Y.2023-24


Sr. No. Name of Faculty Email Address Department
1 Prof.P.D.Wadile Mechanical Engineering
2 Prof. arati S.Pingle Information Technology
3 Prof. Sonali A.Kale MBA
4 Prof. Jyotsna B. Jagdale Computer Engineering
5 Prof.Ankush S.Pawar E &TC
6 Prof.Hansa M.Shimpi AI &DS


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