Engineering Science Department

About DepartmentFacultyAcademic InfrastructureStudent CornerIndustrial VisitsStaff AchievementsStudent AchievementsActivities and EventsResult Analysis

About Department


It is great pleasure to be the Head of Department of the First year Engineering Sciences. This is the beginning of career of engineering student. Department provides good educational environment to students by organizing the technical quizzes, poster exhibition, training on Project based learning process etc. Our department is spread over different laboratories such as Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Mechanics and Basic electrical engineering. Department has its own computer center comprising around 100 computer systems. Looking at the changing dynamics of competitive global business environment we try to provide various activities like expert lectures on entrepreneurship, personal development, guidance on aptitude test and other related tasks. To ensure the student’s easy settlement we practice the mentor scheme effectively and observed best returns of it. We encourage the students to participate in various activities like sports, paper presentation, annual social gathering and different events time to time. We have well experienced faculty members who takes effort for development of student at First year level. Our goal is to provide students with a balance of intellectual and practical experiences that enable them to serve a variety of societal needs.

Vivekananda says, Education is the manifestation of a perfection already in a man.

We the first-year department wish all the very best to their future endeavors.

Dr. Shivaji V. Gawali

(Head of Department)



  • Providing fundamental knowledge to expedite as an emerging engineer


  • To improve the reasoning skills and problem solving ability
  • To encourage, motivate and guide the students to become a successful technocrats.

Program Outcomes

  • PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  • PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Course Outcomes

F.E. Course Outcomes

Teaching Faculty

Dr. Shivaji V. Gawali

Head of Department

Qualification: Ph.D. (Mech.), M.E. (Design)
Experience: 25 Years
Area of Interest (s): F.G.M., Vibrations
LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Sanjay G. Wakchaure

Associate Professor

Qualification: Ph.D.(Chemistry), (MBA), M.Sc.(Chemistry)
Experience: Teaching: -28 Years
Area of Interest (s): ElectronicsChemistry

Prof. Suhas V.Dharane

Prof. Suhas V. Dharane

Head of Department

Qualification: M.E. (Structure)
Experience: 28 Years
Area of Interest (s): Structure

Dr. Yogita M. Ahire

Assistant Professor

Qualification: Ph.D., M.Sc. Mathematics, B.Ed., SET
Experience: 19 Years
Area of Interest (s): Mathematics
Prof. Nilesh D. Kulkarni

Prof. Nilesh D. Kulkarni

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Sc.M.Phil. Physics
Experience: 21 Years
Area of Interest (s) : Physics

Prof. Yogesh  R. Shinde

Assistant Professor

Qualification: ME (Power Systems)
Experience: 06 Years
Area of Interest (s) : Basic Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines

Prof. Prajakta M. Nimse

Assistant Professor

Qualification: MSc (Organic Chemistry)
Experience: 2.5 Years
Area of Interest (s) : Chemistry

Prof. Prashant D. Hase

Assistant Professor

Qualification: MSc (Mathematics), SET
Experience: 07 Years
Area of Interest (s) : Mathematics

Prof. Punam M. Gosavi

Assistant Professor

Qualification: MSc (Mathematics), SET
Experience: 05  Years
Area of Interest (s): Mathematics

Prof. Ritali S. Wagh

Assistant Professor

Qualification: ME (Construction Management)
Experience: 1.5  Years
Area of Interest (s): Mechanics

Prof. Rajendra J. Kadlag

Assistant Professor

Qualification:  M.A. English,  M.A History,  M.A Economics (Appeared)
Experience:  15  Years
Area of Interest (s):

Prof. Prathamesh P. Narwade

Assistant Professor

Qualification:  MSC  (Yoga Therapy)
Experience: 04  Years
Area of Interest (s): Yoga therapy, Sports , Personality Development

Technical Staff

Mr. Dilip S.Balak

Mr. Dilip S.Balak

Lab Assistant
Qualification: B.Sc. Chemistry
Experience: 28 Years

Mr.Harshal G. Barse

Lab Assistant
Qualification: BE Civil Engg.
Experience: 03 Years


Sr. No. Name of Laboratory
1 Engineering Physics
2 Engineering Chemistry
3 Engineering Mechanics
4 Basic Electrical Engineering
5 Basic Electronics Engineering
6 Programming & Problem Solving Lab
7 Engineering Graphics
8 Basic Mechanical Engineering

Computational Resources

Department Provides all necessary computational resources in order to teach subject like Programming and problem solving Laboratories (PPL) also department has well-equipped laboratories with latest software.

Sr.No. Subject Lab Software Used
1 Programming and problem solving Lab Computer Centre  Python ,JAVA,C

Departmental Library

Apart from central library First Year engineering department provides additional library to fulfil the thrust of knowledge of First year students. It has been coordinated by department staff in chemistry lab. Many students take the benefit of this facility in department. It comprised of text-books, reference books of various subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electronics, Electrical, Civil and Mechanics.

Sr. No. Name of Books Quantity
1 Text Books 41
2 Reference Books 21

Department Library Co-ordinator: Mr. D. S. Balak

Academic Calender 2024-25

  • SEM-I


Time Tables

FE SEM-I Click Here
FE SEM-II Click Here

Industrial Visits

Industrial Visit During the Academic Year 2023-24

MSRTC Workshop, Nashik

Industrial Visit During the Academic Year 2022-23

Sahyadri Farms,Nashik

Industrial Visit During the Academic Year 2021-22

Sumago Infotech,Nashik

Industrial Visit During the Academic Year 2018-19

Wind Mill Farm Sinnar

As a part of first year curriculum industrial visit of first year students was arranged on 12/4/2019.We visited Wind Mill farm of Suzlon energy private ltd at Sinnar.Students enthusiastically participated in visit.We reached the destination after a journey of one and half hours.An engineer of the plant explained technical parameters of wind mill.He elaborated on its operation method,construction and requirements of particular wind speed.Students were listening interestingly and asked variety of technical questions.All student in a group of 5 to 6 got up in wind mill panel and understood the operation practically.In this visit Prof.N.D.Kulkarni,Prof S.V.Dharane and Prof Mrs S.V.Vachhani accompanied the students.

Industrial Visit During the Academic Year 2017-18

Hydro Power Station Karanjvan

The knowledge is not confined to the books only. One has to learn practically. As a part of the syllabus students has to visit any plant for understanding practically. A industrial visit to Hydro Power station near nashik was arranged. A section engineer at station explained the production of electricity technically. Students were satisfied by getting experience of practical learning. They ask number of questions to engineer. Prof. N. D. Kulkarni, Prof Y.M. Ahire, Prof S. V. Vachhani and Prof S. V. Dharane accompanied with the students.

Staff Achievements

Name of Staff Event/Publication Conference Detail ISBN/ISSN
Prof. S.V.Dharane Adarsh Tantrik Shikshak Award 2021-22  Pune vidyarthi Griha Pune —–
Nation Builder Award on account of his contribution to social work such as Water Shade management, Tree plantation, Blood donation etc  Rotary Club of Nashik East on Oct 2 2021. —–
Dr. Y.M. Ahire Published a book on Statistics for Second Year AIDS Branch Technical Publication —–
Behavior of quasistatic thermal stresses on account of internal moving heat generation in solid sphere International Conference on Contents and Communication ICCCC2022 —–
 Elected and worked as a member of review committee  International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, Turkey —–
Thermoelastic problem of time fractional order thin hollow cylinder subjected to Internal moving heat source  International Conference on Recent innovations in Science and Technology —–
Thermal stresses in Thick Rectangular plate by internal moving heat sources International conference on Engineering & natural sciences —–
Dr. S. G.Wakchaure Mineralogical Study  and Characterisation of Natural Zeolite Journal of Applied Science and Computation, 1076-5131
Prof. Y.M. Ahire Analysis of thermal stresses in thin circular plate due to moving heat source International Journal of mechanical and Production Engineering Research And Development 2249-8001
Analysis of thermoelastic characteristic in rectangular plate of functionally graded material with internal moving heat source International Conference on mathematical modeling, Applied Analysis and Computation  2019 1932-9466
Thermoelastic behavior of thin hollow cylinder with internal moving heat source International journal of Mechanical engineering and technology  2121-0301
Influence of internal heat generation on thermal stresses in a thick annular disk Journal of Advance research  in dynamical and control systems 1943023X
Thermoelastic behavior in thin hollow cylinder using internal moving heat source International Journal of Innovative technology and exploring engineering 2278-3075
 Dr. S.G.Wakchuare Short term course on X-ray Crystallohraphy Basics and Application QIP —–
NITTTR Sponsered TOT at GGSCOE Nashik Teacher Training —–
Prof. Y.M.Ahire Syllabus Workshop FDP —–
Prof S.V.Dharane &Prof N.D. Kulkarni Participated in “Walkethon and Organ Donational Ralley” associated with RTO Nashik NSS —–

Student Achievement during the Academic Year 2023-24

Sr. No. Academic Year Name of the student Discription  Type
1 2023-24 Thakare Vedika Manoj Got 1st price in Annual Social Gathering for Duet Dance Cultural
Runner up in Running Competition
2 Pangahvane Bakti Sanjay 2nd price in Eassy Compitation at Collector office,Nashik. Electoral Literacy Club
3rd Price in Poster Competition at Collector office,Nashik.
3 Aboli Gokul Sonawane 1st Prize in Poster Competition at Collector office,Nashik.

Student Achievement during the Academic Year 2022-23

Sr. No. Academic Year Name of the student Discription Type
1 2022-23 Mikhit mahale 1st in Inter college Squash Tournament  Sport
3rd in Interzonal Squash Tournament
Selected in SPPU Squash Team
2 Gadakh Dipali Got Qweens Scolarship upto Rupees 1 lack per year from The  Smile Fondation for Next Four Years Scolarship
3 Siddhesh Sambhaji Rajale Secured 2nd rank in Hacktober Fest for Web Development Conducted in R. H. Sapat college of Engineering,Nashik Technical Competition
1st price at Ideathon for Idea Pitching  PVGCOE & SSDIOM, Nashik Technical Competition
4 Wagh Samiksha 1st Price in Carnival 2k23 for Badmintan Sport
5 Jay Kuwar Special Award in Carnival 2k23 for the performence Cultural

Student Achievement during the Academic Year 2019-20

Sr.No. Name of Student Institute/Organising institute Event Name/Details Category
1 Mr. Vanshit Mehata MVP’s KTHM College,Nashik Quiz,Elocution and Spot Painting Competition Cultural and Technical
2 Mr. Akash Mhaisdhune
3 Mr. Rohit Shinde
4 Mr. Akash Phad
5  Ms. Vaishnavi Kulkarni PVG’s College of Engineering,Nashik Nirbhaya Kanya Abhiyan Cultural
6 Ms.Poornima Nerpagar
7 Ms.Divya Maind and FE girls

Student Achievement during the Academic Year 2018-19

Sr.No. Name of Student Institute/Organising institute Event Name/Details Category
1 Ms. Bushra Naz Sayeed MET Institute of Engineering Nashik Technical Presentation Competition Technical
2 Ms. Bushra Naz Sayeed JMCT Polytechnique ,Nashik JMCT Tech Fest-2K
3 Mr.Suyog Bhamare
4 Mr.Rahul Palve
5 Mr.Shubham Aher
6 Mr.Shivam Shukla

1.FE Parents Meet 2023-24

2.Sports Day 2023-24

3.Energy Swaraj Yatra 2023-24

4.Poster Competition 2023-24

5.FE Parents Meet 2022-23

6.FE Induction Program 2022-23

7.13th Batch Opening Ceremony and Parents Meet


1.Importance of Chemistry in Engineering

Dr. S.G. Wakchaure delivered a webinar on “Importance of Chemistry in Engineering”. He was invited as Expert Speaker on this topic by MVP’s GBT COE Nashik. He emphasized on applied chemistry and its industrial requirements with applications.

2.Role of Mathematics in Astronomy

Prof Y. M. Ahire of Engineering Science department conducted a Webinar on Role of Mathematics in Astronomy to enrich the knowledge in the field of Mathematics. Prof.C.G.Patil was invited for this talk. Prof. C.G. Patil is expert speaker in the field of Astronomy. In his addressing he covered the entire historical development in astronomy with mathematical formulation from Scientist Galilio to Lagrangian and also focused on contribution of today’s mathematician. All students took benefit of this opportunity. Students also shared their doubts with the expert speaker and got satisfied.

Webinar on Role of Mathematics in Astronomy delivered by Prof. C. G. Patil

3.Environmental Awareness and Solid Waste Management delivered by Dr. Vaibhav Datrange

Online Webinar on “Environmental Awareness and Solid Waste Management” was organized by the Department of Engineering Science and Allied on 12/06/2020. Dr. Vaibhav Datrange, Medical professional and Environmental Educationalist was Expert Speaker. In His Expert talk Dr. Vaibhav Datrange focused on Need of Environmental Awareness, different types of waste and various methods to handle the same. Solid waste management Techniques, Compositing, recycling and how to get earning from that. About 55 Students, Staff members, and field persons joined for the same. It was a very informative and effective Session for Engineering Students.

Webinar on Environmental Awareness and Solid Waste Management delivered by Dr. Vaibhav Datrange

Other Activities

  1. Prof. Y. M. Ahire and Prof. N. D. Kulkarni of Department of First year organized CET Mock test for H. Sc student in lockdown period. This is for their practice at home in lockdown period. Link for CET Mock test:
  2. Prof Y.M. Ahire of Department of First year Engineering and allied organized a quiz on mathematics named Brain Twister Mathematics to enrich the knowledge of mathematics for students and got huge response. A link of quiz is as:
  3. Department of First year organized Poster and Video Making Competition for H.Sc students in lockdown period. Prof. Y. M. Ahire and Prof. N. D. Kulkarni conducted this competition to provide some different platform to enhance techniques of video making and poster presentation. This is for their practice at home.
  4. Prof S. V. Dharane conducted quiz on Engineering Mechanics and Environmental Awareness for first year engineering students. It was also open to all faculties and technical persons.
  5. Prof S.V.Vachhani arranged quiz of Electrical Engineering to provide extra knowledge to students.This is an attempt to provide practice platform at home during lockdown period. Quiz on Electrical Engineering:

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2019-20

Department  of First Year Engg. had conducted one week Student’s Induction Program, with the aim to make newly admitted students comfortable and create bonding among students and faculty, to set a healthy daily routine and develop awareness, sensitivity and understanding of the self, people around them, society at large, and nature. Induction Training Program Phase II conducted for FE Students from 07.01.2020 to 15.01.2020 various activities like

  • English Language ( Communication) Enrichment   by Mrs. Shteeal Khaire
  • Lecture on ” Swami Vivekananda and his Role” by Dr. Baviskar
  • Field visit to  ” TalegaonAnjaneri School”
  • Field visit to “National Coin Museum.”
  • Participatiojn in ” Walkethon and Organ DonationalRalley ” in association with RTO Nashik
  • Lectutre by SagarRajebhosale sir on ” Cyber Security”
  • are conducted
  • Induction program was concluded with sharing of experiences by students and tree plantation by staff and students.

Academic Year 2018-19

Department of First Year Engg. had conducted one week Student’s Induction Program, with the aim to make newly admitted students comfortable and create bonding among students and faculty, to set a healthy daily routine and develop awareness, sensitivity and understanding of the self, people around them, society at large, and nature. Various sessions during the program were about meditation, pranayam and suryanamaskar, human values, gender equality, personality development, English speaking etc.

Induction program was concluded with sharing of experiences by students and tree plantation by staff and students.

Parent Meet

A parent meet was called on 22/09/2018 to discuss their ward’s performance and to share future plans of academics.Principal Dr.R.L.Edlabadkar was on chair of the function.Dr S.G.Wakchaure addressed the parents and made them aware of structure of first semester and evaluation process.As a percident of the function Principal Dr. Edlabadkar sir also guided the students.Parets actively participated in interctive session with the teachers.

Result Analysis

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2023-24

Rank Name of Student Percentage/Grade
1 Dharam Vaishnavi Pravin 9.82
2 Patil Runali Narendra 9.75
3 Sonawane Aboli Gokul 9.62

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2022-23

Rank Name of Student Percentage/Grade
1 Bhakare Raviraj Ramesh 9.14
2 Bonde Chaitali 8.84
3 Sonawane Arti Tatyasaheb 8.59

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2021-22

Rank Name of Student Percentage/Grade
1 Metkar Chanaksh Manoj / Shah Arpan Ajay 8.91
2 Sing Kalpana 8.59
3 Borase Tanishq Pravin 8.5

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2020-21

Rank Name of Student Percentage/Grade
1 Pawar Sheryas Suresh 9.2
2 Suryawanshi Rutika Dilip 8.91
3 Vidhate Shantanu 8.84

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2019-20

Rank Name of Student Percentage/Grade
1 Mr. Nishad Vispute 8.63
2 Ms. Divya Maind 8.45
3 Ms. Vishnavi Kulkarni / Mr. Mhaisdhune Akash 8.27

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2018-19

Rank Name of Student Percentage/Grade
1 Mr. Rahul Mahajan 8.82
2 Mr. Rushikesh Solanke 7.86
3 Ms. Pagar Prerana 7.72

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