Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department

About DepartmentFacultyAcademic InfrastructureStudent CornerCollaborationsIndustrial VisitsDistinguished ProjectsDistinguished AlumniStudent AssociationStaff AchievementsStudent AchievementsActivities and EventsResult AnalysisPlacementsInternship

About Department

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is established in the year 2010, with sanctioned intake 60 and branch code as 533037210. Ever since its inception, the department has been the hub of academic excellence. It is equipped with outstanding infrastructure and boasts of a unit of learned and dedicated faculty members and sincere staff. We provide excellent academic environment to the students and help them to acquire the skills which are required to excel in today’s competitive environment.

In order to ensure high standards of education for our students, the department has constantly upgraded itself by adding well-equipped and fully furnished laboratories to supplement the theory courses. The department believes in serious academic pursuit and encourages radical and original thinking which paves the way for creativity and innovative ideas. The alumni of the department are excelling in reputed industries across India.

Dr. Manoj V. Bhalerao (Head of Department)


  • To provide state-of-the-art technical education to prepare Electronics & Tele-communication engineers for the benefit of the society.


  • To provide state-of- the-art facilities and opportunities to create, interpret, apply and disseminate knowledge.
  • To provide quality education to students.
  • To enrich the skills in collaboration with industry for better career opportunities.
  • To emphasize and inculcate research attitude among students and faculties.
  • To inculcate ethics, values and environmental awareness among students.

Program Outcomes

  • PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  • PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes

  • Should be able to understand the fundamental concepts in electronics circuit/ product design, communication/networking techniques, IC design, embedded systems, and signal processing.
  • Should be able to apply the learning to design and analyze complex electronics and communication systems.
  • Should be able to understand the applications in the field of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in using electronic contemporary software and hardware tools to solve complex electronics and communication engineering problems.
  • Demonstrate proficiency as a good team leader and Entrepreneur with professional ethics and societal responsibilities.
  • Can serve as transmission analyst and radio engineer.
  • Can serve as Power Engineer in the fields related to generation,transmission,and distribution of different energy types.
  • Can serve as debugging and testing expert.

Course Outcomes

E&TC Department Course Outcomes

Teaching Faculty

Prof. Manoj V. Bhalerao

Dr. Manoj V. Bhalerao

I/C Principal, Head of Department

Qualification: PhD(Wireless Communication),M.E. (EC)
Experience: 21 Years
Area of Interest (s) : Visible Light Communication, Wireless Communication.
Prof. Archana R.Sonawane

Prof. Archana R.Sonawane

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E.(VLSI & Embedded System)
Experience: 11 Years
Area of Interest (s) : VLSI and Signal Processing

Prof. Sagar M.Pangavhane

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E. (VLSI and Embedded System)
Experience: Teaching: – 12 Years Industry: 01 Year
Area of Interest (s) : VLSI and Embedded System

Prof. Atul M Borade

Assistant Professor

Qualification: ME ( VLSI and Embedded System)
Experience: Teaching: – 08 Years
Area of Interest (s) : Digital Circuit

Prof. Swati N Bhangre

Assistant Professor

Qualification: ME ( VLSI and Embedded System)
Experience: Teaching: – 5.5  Years
Area of Interest (s) : IOT

Prof. Ankush S. Pawar

Assistant Professor

Qualification: PhD (Pursuing),ME ( VLSI and Embedded System)
Experience: Teaching: – 8.5  Years
Area of Interest (s) : Microcontroller,AI

Prof. Chetana S. Ahire

Assistant Professor

Qualification: PhD (Pursuing),ME ( VLSI and Embedded System)
Experience: Teaching: – 06  Years
Area of Interest (s) : Digital Circuits, PLC Automation

Prof. Shukracharya S. Gore

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E.(VLSI & Embedded Systems)
Experience: Teaching: – 13 Years
Area of Interest (s) : Database Management, Data Structures.

Prof. Shital A. Barahate

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E.(VLSI & Embedded Systems)
Experience: Teaching: – 06 Years
Area of Interest (s): Communications, Data Structures.

Prof. Vrushali K. Jadhav

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E.(VLSI & Embedded Systems)
Experience: Teaching: – 12.5  Years
Area of Interest (s): Microcontroller, Digital Electronics.

Technical Staff

Mr. Shashank S.Madhe

Technical Assistant

Qualification: Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Experience: 19.5  Years



Sr.No. Name of Laboratory
1 Project Lab
2 Communication Lab
3  Power Electronics Lab
4 Basic Electronics Lab
5 Microwave & Fiber Optics Lab
6 Programming Lab
7 Embedded Systems Lab
8 Tutorial Room

Departmental Library

The Department of Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering maintains a departmental library for E&TC students which consist of adequate number of books related to various domains of the E&TC. Also, library have the books of various competitive examinations. Library also have the books on the GATE examination preparation. This library is accessible to the faculty and students.

Sr. No. Books Quantity
1 Reference books 120
2 Seminar Reports 212
3 Project Reports 110

Department Library Co-ordinator:  Prof.S.A.Barhate

Academic Calendar (2024-25)

Academic Calendar (2023-24)


Time table

2024-25 SEM I

SE Click Here
TE Click Here
BE Click Here

2024-25 SEM II

SE Click Here
TE Click Here
BE Click Here

1. MoU with Autonetics Training Center Pvt Ltd, Nashik

  1. Company Name:  Autonetics Training Center Pvt Ltd, Nashik
  2. Contact Persons Name: 
    Mr. Shriram R. Panpatil
    Mr. Aruna S. Panpatil
    Mr. Amol S. Panpatil
  3. Aims and Objectives of MoU: 
    The objectives of the incubation center are

    • To train the students to give them exposure on core software skills and thereby improve their basic concepts through realtime case studies and assignments in technologies viz. PLC Programming, SCADA, HMT, Drives, Aurdino, PCB designing etc.
    • To impart the training to students through mix of virtual and physical classroom setup as per the program design
    • To provide live industrial project module and conduct periodic evaluation at various phases of the program.
  4. Aims and Objectives of MoU:
    • PVGCOE nashik along with Autonetics has started incubation center wherein the institute will provide the required infrastructure and company will guide the students ti make them competent engineers.

2. MoU with SKtechming Solutions, Nashik

  • Company Name: SKtechmind Solutions, Nashik.
  • Contact Persons Name:
    Tushar Rajendra Khairnar
    Shailesh Rajendra Khairnar
  • Aims and Objectives of MoU:
    • Using the platform of sktechminds students will be able to do the projects based on IoT.The vision of the company is to Globally make ‘Life-Easier’ by innovation, technology and education in multi-disciplinary fields by maintaining high standards of quality.
    • To drive Technology by Innovation to invent and manufacture easily accessible and affordable devices to make life easier for the masses. Create a platform to constantly drive technology education to make life easier, leading to a technology
  • Description:
    • SKtechmind Solutions is a leading custom IoT solutions provider in Nashik & India [Asia-Pacific Region] which provides ready to market IOT enabled products in shortest period of time with 100% customer satisfaction. We are IOT experts providing End-To-End IOT solutions that improve processes, differentiate products and services, and create new revenue streams. The MoU will bring the students of PVGCOE in the streamline of IoT.

Industrial Visits

1.Industrial Visit at ” Bhilai Automotive,Nashik”

The TE (E&TC Engg.) class is scheduled for an enlightening Industrial Visit at Bhilai Automotive, located on Dindori Road in Nashik, on the 13th of October 2023, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. This visit is meticulously organized to enhance the students’ understanding of practical applications in their Skill Development Lab subject. Mr. Swapnil N. Gangurde, a knowledgeable resource person, will guide the students through the intricacies of automotive technologies and processes. Accompanying the students are esteemed faculty members: Prof. C. S. Ahire, Prof. A. S. Pawar, and Prof. S. N. Bhangre. It promises to be an enriching experience, offering real-world insights and fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject matter.

2.Industrial Visit at ” Dhoot Transmission Pvt. Ltd.”

The visit to Dhoot Transmission Pvt. Ltd, Chatrapati Sambhajinagar was scheduled on 25th Feb 2023 for SE, TE and BE  students of the department under the coordination of Prof. C.S.Ahire and staff members. The objective of the visit is to study the basic overview of Wiring and Harness and its wide applications. The students get benefited from the visit by learning with practical approach of Wiring and Harness in day to day life.

3.Industrial Visit at “Hayasa E-mobility Pvt Ltd, Nashik”

The visit to Hayasa E-mobility Pvt Ltd, Nashik was scheduled on 2nd Sep 2022 for SE and TE students of the department under the coordination of Prof. S.M.Pangavhane and staff members. The objective of the visit is to study the basic overview of Analog and Digital Communication and its wide applications. The students get benefited from the visit by learning with practical approach of Analog to Digital Communication in day to day life.

4.Industrial Visit at “Sumago Infotech Pvt Ltd, Nashik”

Sumago Infotech aspire to be the global sourcing choice of the world market and revolutionizes the way service processes function. To reach out to the common people across the globe and making Information Technology a tool for the “MASS” along with the tool for the “CLASS”. Creating innovative IT solutions and provide IT-enabled services to delight customers worldwide and build Relationships based on Trust, Values and Professionalism. Sumago Infotech has industry-specific software expertise in Technology, Financial, Healthcare, Media, Manufacturing, and many other sectors. The company specializes in offering Web Designing, Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development, Software Development, Digital Marketing, Software Testing, Quality Assurance services, and many more.

5.Akashwani Kendra, Nashik.

The visit to Akashwani Kendra, Nashik was scheduled on 22nd Feb. 2019 for SE and TE students of the department under the coordination of Prof. A.R.Sonawane and staff members. The objective of the visit is to study the basic overview of Analog and Digital Communication and its wide applications. The students get benefited from the visit by learning with practical approach of Analog to Digital Communication in day to day life.

6.Child traffic education park, Nashik

The visit to child traffic education park was scheduled on 10th Oct. 2018 for SE students of the department under the audit course of Road safety management in second year syllabus. The visit was organised by Prof. C.S.Ahire and staff members. The objective of the visit was to provide some basic knowledge and traffic rules of road safety. The students get benefited by learning the traffic disciplines and management.

Distinguished Projects

Distinguished Alumni

Name :Ajaj Khan Name : Nishad Vispute
Designation: Senoir Software Engineer. Designation: Assistant Manager
Company Name: Veoneer India Pvt. Ltd, Banglore Company Name: JIO, Mumbai
View about College : Institute is having social history of its own and plays an important role to imbibe the roots of socialism and social activities in the students. Proud feeling to be a student and alumni of this institute. View about College:Received consistent support and encouragement from both the college and its faculties, which greatly contributed to my personal and professional growth.
Name : Priyal Pawar Name : Namdev Tajane
Designation:Quality Assurance Engineer. Designation: BPS Management trainee.
Company Name: Rackware Technologies, Pune Company Name: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Pune
View about College:College life is known as one of the most memorable years of one’s life. And so for me as well.Meet different people, interacted with them, learn about their cultures and have grown as a good human being. View about College:  Journey in this institute as a student was a roller coaster ride for me. Whenever you are struggling, you need a mentor, a guide in your life with a proper guiding force to convert scaler thinking to that of vector. These are the things that I got in my graduation.

Association of students of Electronics and Telecommunication

Association of students of Electronics and Telecommunication (ASSET), is the student body of the department established in the year 2013, formed with the objective to enhance the personality of the student with top qualities of electronics and telecommunication engineers along with social aspects. The association gives platform to develop leadership and management skills among students.

ASSET student committee for the Academic Year 2024-25

Sr.No. Post Name of student
01 President Mr.Nikhil V. Jadhav
02 Vice President Miss.Samruddhi N. Ghotekar
03 Treasurer Mr.Rohan S. Pingle
04 Secretary Mr.Suyash D. Kulkarni
05 Class Representative [BE- Boys] Mr. Lokesh D. Thakare
06 Class Representative [BE-Girls] Miss. Sakshi V. Mali
07 Class Representative [TE-Boys] Mr. Buranuddin Piploadwala
08 Class Representative [TE-Girls] Miss. Shreya S. Gujar
09 Class Representative [SE-Boys] Mr. Shreyas P. Kabade
10 Class Representative [SE-Girls] Miss. Yashashree A.Raundal
11 Social Media Coordinators 1.       Mr. Yash S. Gaidhani [TE]

2.       Mr. Onkar G. Bhand [B.E.]

3.       Miss. Mrudul K. Kulkarni [T.E.]

4.       Miss. Shruti S. Pawar [SE]

5.       Mr. Sumit R. Girase [SE]

12 Event Head 1.       Miss. Purva P. Patil[BE]

2.       Miss. Siddhi V. Jadhav[TE]

3.       Miss. Vishakha S. Rajpure [SE]

13 Anchoring Committee 1.       Miss.  Shreya S. Gujar[TE]

2.         Miss. Neha A. Bhamare [SE]

14 Member Mr. Sanchit B. Lohate [B.E.]
15 Member Mr. Abhishek P. Boraste [TE]
16 Member Mr. Akshay K. Pangavhane [TE]
17 Member Mr. Aditya P. Sonar [TE]
18 Member Miss. Vaishnavi Y.  Patil [TE]
19 Member Miss. Nandini S.Vakhare [TE]
20 Member Miss. Riya N.  Rathi [TE]
21 Member Miss. Divya T. Jadhav [SE]
22 Member Miss. Sharayu D. Ghodke[SE]

Events organized under ASSET

Academic Year Name of the event
2019-20 Teachers Day Celebration
Workshop on PCB designing
2018-19 Teachers Day Celebration
Wall magazine-KALEIDOSCOPE

Staff Achievements

Academic Year  Name of Staff Title of Event  Category
2023-24 Dr. M.V.Bhalerao Energy Literacy Training Energy Swraj
Recent Trends in Industry STTP
Prof. S.M.Pangavhane Pythonic Insights FDP
Prof. A.S. Pawar Cloud Infrastruture FDP
Turnip Innovations AICTE
Prof. S.N.Bhangre Turnip Innovations AICTE
Prof. A.M.Borade Recent Trends in Industry STTP
Prof. S.S.Gore Cloud Infrastruture FDP
Smart Farming FDP
Exploring Quality Research and
its Societal Impact
Prof.S.A.Barahate Cloud Infrastruture FDP
Prof.V.K.Jadhav Turnip Innovations AICTE
2022-23 Dr.M.V.Bhalerao Project Management Book-Technical Publications
Digital Marketing Book-Technical Publications
Introduction to programming in C NPTEL
 Programming In Java FDP
Outcome Base Education FDP
Prof. A.R.Sonawane Digital Electronics Circuit NPTEL
 Infosys Springboard FDP
Prof. C. S. Ahire Mobile Computing FDP
Outcome Base Education FDP
Prof.A.S. Pawar Remote Sensing FDP
Android Development FDP
Geodata Processing using Python FDP
Python for data science FDP
Cloud Computing FDP
Outcome Base Education FDP
Prof S.M. Pangavhane  Infosys Springboard FDP
Prof.A.M.Borade  Infosys Springboard FDP
Prof.S.N.Bhangre  Infosys Springboard FDP
Dr.M.V.Bhalerao Programming in Java (Elite+Gold) NPTEL
 Dr.M.V.Bhalerao Programming in Java Infosys SpringBoard
Prof.P.K.Wadelkar Digital Business Management Faculty Orientation Workshop
Prof.C.S.Ahire Mobile Computing Faculty Orientation Workshop
2021-22 Prof.S.M.Pangavhane Radiation & Microwave Theory Faculty Orientation Workshop
Prof.A.S.Pawar  Cloud Computing Faculty Orientation Workshop
Prof.A.R.Sonawane  VLSI Design & Technology Faculty Orientation Workshop
Prof.S.N.Bhangare Power Devices & Circuits (PDC) Faculty Orientation Workshop
2019-20 Dr.P.G.Shete International Journal WJAHR Paper presentation
Dr.P.G.Shete Student Induction program by AICTE FDP-DYPCOE
Dr.P.G.Shete Student Induction program by AICTE FDP-DYPCOE
Prof.M.V.Bhalerao Far East Journal of Electronics and Paper presentation
2018-19 Dr.P.G.Shete EECCMC 2018, IEEE international conference Paper presentation
Prof.M.V.Bhalerao International Journal of Engineering & Technology (UAE) Paper presentation


Academic Year Name of Student Title of Achievement
2023-2024 GAVANDE SARTHAK VIJAY NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
AHIRE RITESH BAPU NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Pardeshi Himanshu NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Mahajan Mansi NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Jadhav Vivek NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Chetana Kurhade NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Tanuja aher NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Dhanshree sahane NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Kshitija kale NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Sanket gadhave NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Aditya shimpi NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Chaitynay pandit NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Tanya patil NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Mayuri hire NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Gopal mahale NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Amruta dahale NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Tushar borgude NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Laxmi raut NPTEL-Speaking Effectively
Academic Year Name of Student Title of Achievement
2022-23 Akansha shelke Python for data science
Nikita Thombare Google IT Support
Shivani Ashok Khairnar Google IT Automation with Python
Bairagi Tejas Sanjay  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Vispute Nishad Santosh Basic of Python
Sonawane Sanket Suresh  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Giri Shriram Manoharrao  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Kedare Sanjana Balkrishana  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Bachhav Mohit Bhaskar Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Satpute Nittya Tanajee  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Shewale Ankur Jagdish Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Malle Pranav Kamlakar  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Ahirrao Neha Vaibhav Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Kale Sakshi Sadanand Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Vidhate Rucha Anil  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Kasar Shravani Arun  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Aher Ashwini Sunil Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Pawar Akshada Ashok Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Jayashree Pandharinath Navae  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Shelke Akansha Baban Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Akshay Prakash Patil  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Jadhav Shailesh Shahaji  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Sagar Anil Bhagwat Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Ankit Ajit Boraste  Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Tushar Kailas Khairnar Infosys Springboard  Fundamental of JAVA
Mogare Suyog Rajesh Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Tajane Shrikant Rajendra Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Salunkhe Niraj Kiran  Infosys Springboard  Basic of python
Shivani Ashok Khairnar  Infosys Springboard  C++ Classes
Vispute Nishad Santosh Introduction to Machine Learning
2019-20 Mr.Nishad Vispute Web Design and Devolopment
2018-19 Mr.Rahul Shirsath GAGNANT 2k19 Project Competition
Ms.Mayuri Chaudhari
Ms.Priyanka Kadam
Ms.Amrita Puransingh Rana ISP-16 Program, Campus Ambassador
Mr.Rahul Shirsath ASG 2018, Singing Competition Winner
2017-18 Mr.Rahul Shirsath TechFest, Project Competition Runner Up
Ms.Mayuri Chaudhari
Ms.Rahul Shirsath Dance Competition, Runner Up
  • Expert talk on “Startup Ecosystem” Day & Date: Tuesday, 16th January 2024
  • “International Youth Day” Day & Date: – Friday, 11th Aug.2023
  • Expert Session on “Effective Resume Writing” (21st Dec 2022)
  • Career Opportunities after Degree (30th Nov 2022)
  • Webinar on “Industrial Automation: scope after COVID-19 ”

Webinar on “Industrial Automation: Scope after covid-19” was conducted on 30/05/2020 by our Alumni Mr. Amol Panpatil, Director, Autonetics Training Center Pvt Ltd, Nashik.
This webinar focused on the opportunities in the Industrial Automation after covid- 19. Different types of automation and current scenario in Automation. Also explored machine learning and IOT in terms of Automation.

  • Webinar on “Importance of Electromagnetics and Applied Electromagnetics”

Description –

The webinar on Importance of Electromagnetics and Applied Electromagnetics was scheduled on 28th May 2020 by the expert speaker Prof. Ravindra Patil. This webinar especially covers the fundamental vector theory, field and associated mathematics. This generally emphasis on the difficulties in understanding mathematical equations and their physical interpretation. At the last, the applications of Electromagnetics was cover with its wide scope and applications.

Result Analysis

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2023-24

1 Gujar Shreya Santosh (9.66 ) Jadhav  Nikhil Vilas (9.43) Kasar Shravani Arun (9.17)
2 Patil Vaishnavi Yogesh  (9.18) Shimpi Gayatri Sachin (9.29) Vidhate Rucha Anil   (9.12)
3 Piplodwala BurhanuddinTaher (9.09) Mali Sakshi Vikram( 9.14) Shelke Akansha Baban  (8.82)

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2022-23

1 Shimpi Gayatri Sachin (7.93) Kasar Shravani Arun (9.12) Vispute Nishad Santosh (9.16)
2 Mali Sakshi Vikram  (7.61) Vidhate Rucha Anil (8.98) Thombare Nikita Sahebrao (8.79)
3 Suryawanshi Sanika Babasaheb (7.48) Shelake Akansha Baban (8.55) Khairnar Shivani Ashok (7.54)

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2021-22

1 Kasar Shravani Arun (8.80) Vispute Nishad Santosh (9.43) Gaikwad Komal Prabhakar (9)
2 Vidhate Rucha Anil (8.73 ) Thombare Nikita Sahebrao (9.17) Palaskar Sakshi Dattatray (8.98)
3 Shelke Akanksha Baban (8.55) Bairagi Tejas Sanjay (8.93) Kardel Suvarna Bhojraj (8.91)

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2020-21

1 Ms. Snehal Hire Ms. Jadhav Kavita Ms.Patil Bhagyashree (8.55 CGPA)
2 Ms.Mayuri chaudhari Ms. Pooja Borade Mr.Mandlik Akshay (8.11 CGPA)
3 Ms.Priyanka kadam Ms.Neha Jadhav Mr. Bandal Omkar (7.86 CGPA)

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2019-20

1 Gaikwad Komal Prabhakar (9.14) Shirsath Rahul Popat (8.17) Hire Snehal Rajaram ( 73.6%)
2 Palaskar Sakshi Dattatray (8.78) Chaudhari Mayuri Dattatray (7.98) Goud Nikhil Satyanarayan (72.5%)
3 Bhagwat Priyanka Purushottam (8.46) Hire Snehal Rajaram (7.93) Jamdhade Shweta Chandrakant (71.7%)

Pride Toppers for the Academic Year 2018-19

1 Hire Snehal Rajaram Jadhav Kavita Vinod  (64.66%) Patil Bhagyashri Digamber (8.55)
2 Chaudhari Mayuri Dattatray Borade Pooja Madhukar (60.93%) Mandlik Akshay Balasaheb (8.11)
3 Kadam Priyanka Vijay Bandal Omkar Niteen (7.86)


Placements Summary – A.Y. 2022-23

Placements Summary – A.Y. 2021-22

Placements Summary – A.Y. 2020-21

Placements Summary – A.Y. 2019-20

Placements Summary – A.Y. 2018-19

Internship Provider Companies

 Sr. No. Field (Core Technical/Non Technical) Branch Name of Company provides Internship Location
1 Technical E&TC Autonetics Training Center Pvt. Ltd. Nashik
2 Technical E&TC Bajaj sons Ltd., Satpur Nashik
3 Technical E&TC Balkrishna Industries Pvt. Ltd. Nashik
4 Technical E&TC Bosch, Nashik Nashik
5 Technical E&TC BSNL Nashik
6 Technical E&TC Vaishnavi Industries, Nashik Nashik

Internship Details A.Y. 2022-23 — Click here

Internship Details A.Y. 2021-22 — Click here

Click here to know more

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