About PVG Nashik

About Us

Established in 2010, College of Engineering & Shrikrushna S. Dhamankar Institute of Management offers Engineering (UG) & Management (PG) courses.

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Governing Body

Presided by Hon. Radhakrishnaji Vikhe Patil, Shri S A Patankar, and Chaired by Shri. Sunil P. Redekar, PVG is governed by leaders from various walks of life.

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Director’s Desk

PVG’s College of Engineering & Shrikrushna S. Dhamankar Institute of Management, Nashik has created an ecosystem for the growth of industry… Mr. S. N. Gunjal..

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Principal’s Desk

We, the faculty, staff, and administration at PVG Institute work to produce superior and ethically strong engineers and management leaders… Dr. M. V. Bhalerao

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College of Engineering & Shrikrushna S.
Dhamankar Institute of Management, Nashik

Established in 2010 with an objective of providing professional education. The institute offers undergraduate courses in Engineering in affiliation with the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. It is AICTE, New Delhi & DTE, Maharashtra.

Established in 2010.
The Mhasrul campus spans over 20 acres.
Under Graduate Engineering Course.
Post Graduate Management Course.
State of art infrastructure.
100% Placement.


Departments & Infrastructure

Engineering (UG)

Institute offers undergraduate courses in Engineering in streams viz. Mechanical, Computer, IT,E &TC, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Engineering.

UG Program →

Management (PG)

Two Years full-time MBA course offers specialisation in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Operation & Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics.

PG/Masters Program →

Central Library

Spread over 430 Sq.m., having unique collection of Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Textbooks, e- books, Journals, e-Journals, Periodicals, Audio visuals, internet facilities.

Library →



The Mhasrul campus of Pune Vidyarthi Griha spans on an area of 20 acres, and is recognised as a major educational hub in the region.

Campus →

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A calendar of events

Alumni Testimonials

Snehal Ahire

Great experience and supportive & very helpful faculties. Always with you in any situation. If you have the problems, solution always be there.  Most important and enjoyable part in the learning was the interactive learnings, two-way communication always helps to grow your mind and mindset.

Mechanical Engineering (2010-11)
Senior Product Engineer

Shailesh Khairnar

The teaching learning process of PVGCOE was excellent. I learned lots of things which I can implement while working. All kind of practical sessions which we have attend are helping us. The positive things is that I am being ready to face all challenges and prove myself in corporate world.

Electronics & Telecommunication (2014-15)
Solution Architect - IOT Microlink Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Saurabh Mahajan

A great faculty, excellent in their respective fields, never turned us down at times of our need. They extended their helping hands for us beyond academics. We were more like a family and we experience a friendly atmosphere as a student in the department

Information Technology (2014-15)
Business Analyst, Logibricks Technologies Pvt Ltd

Priyanka Morade

Learnings were great. Constant striving of faculties and branch dean to prepare student to be competent enough was up to the mark. Not only develop the students on one direction, but with all disciplines and direction. Prepare us with multitalented persons to survive in the society.

Mechanical Engineering (2011-12)
Manager - HR Seven Islands Shipping Ltd.

Priyal Pawar

College life is known as one of the most memorable years of one’s life. And so for me as well. Meet different people, interacted with them, learn about their cultures and have grown as a person. Unforgettable moments, preservation of great quality culture.

Electronics & Telecommunication (2010-11)
Rackware Technologies - QA Engineer (Pune)

Parth Shah

The teaching learning process of PVGCOE Nashik was very good. Staff gives us liberty to implement and present our technical skills and are open minded to take input while learning and teaching. Staff are cooperative and helps us throughout our course.

Computer Engineering (2011-12)
Cyber security Consultant KPMG India, Mumbai
Tajane Namdev

Namdev Tajane

As I came from the Farmer background and Whenever you are struggling you need a mentor, with a proper guiding force, and these things convert you from scaler thinking to that of a vector got from my graduation with three basic rules of goal, curiosity and risk irrespective of facilities, social life.

Electronics and Telecommunication (2012-13)
TCS - BPS management trainee (Pune)

Meghana Sawant

PVGCOE Nashik has maintained its teaching learning standard throughout and updating it accordingly, gives full support to students. The time spent in institute helped me in enhancing my skills, acquiring the knowledge and getting a good wide point of view in my career.

Mechanical Engineering (2013-14)
Jr.Project management officer Armstrong machine builders Pvt Ltd.

Kapil Kakde

The best academic that I have ever experienced in PVGCOE Nashik. Excellent Extra Curriculum activities like aptitude sessions, road safety week etc were conducted. The time spent in PVGCOE Nashik was awesome and it helped me to gain what I want i.e. campus placement.

Computer Engineering (2015-16)
Associate Consultant Atos Syntel Pvt Ltd, Mumbai.

Dipak Sonar

The experienced of teaching- learning in PVGCOE Nashik was excellent. It’s pretty good, Staff is also knowledgeable, quite supportive for extracurricular activities and always encouraged students for participation in various activities. It was wonderful experience when I spent time in PVGCOE Nashik.

Information Technology (2012-13)
Software Engineer TomTom India Pvt Ltd, Nashik
Dipak Gaikwad

Dipak Gaikwad

One of the best colleges among the other engineering colleges. Well-equipped laboratories with class room training and valuable guidance of highly knowledgeable faculties helped me a lot to earn success in my life. Develop me as a person and shape my whole life.

Electronics and Telecommunication (2013-14)
NABARD - Development Assistant (Group B) Mumbai

Devshree Mehta

The learning and staff were great and moreover I learned many values which are enbibed in me. The quality that I learnt from PVG is being humble and believing in myself. The opportunities college had given me made me a very confident individual. Great support in various activities, events, competition.

Electronics & Telecommunication (2015-16)
(Internship) Commercial Channel and Market Access Pfizer Inc. Global Pharmaceutical Company

Deepak Rao

The quality of teaching in PVGCOE Nashik is pretty good. During my time at PVG, it was great as were the founding batch and got to start a lot of activities other than academics. PVG always Helped in building a foundation to gain knowledge. Learnt lot more responsibilities when worked as a GS.

Mechanical Engineering (2010-11)
ADAS Validation Engineer Visteon Electronics Germany GmbH, Germany

Anand Sonawane

In PVGCOE Nashik, I gained the theory as well as practical knowledge that helps me to doing well at my workplace. The teaching learning process at PVG was very interesting.  I always suggest to the youngsters don’t find shortcut, try to do things complete.

Computer Engineering (2015-16)
Software Developer IBM India Pvt. Ltd, Pune.

Ami Chauhan

I had a very good experience at PVGCOE, Nashik. All professors were very helpful and I could understand all of the concepts properly during lectures and practical’s sessions. Multiple workshops, projects were organized during college, spending time learning from the professors to gain skills

Electronics & Telecommunication (2013-14)
Intern ( Project Management/ Operations) 90 Miles Straight, Mumbai.
Ajaj Khan

Ajaj Khan

Institute has developed us as a professional student in healthy, family environment. The institute has also imbibed the roots of socialism and social activities in the students as well. It gives me immense pleasure and proud feeling to be a student of this institute.

Electronics and Telecommunication (2013-14)
Veoneer India Pvt. Ltd. - Senior software Engineer (Bengluru)

Aishwarya Salve

It was an amazing and life changing journey at Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Engineering, Nashik. Many technical and non-technical events are organized in college. It taught me a lot and a life changing experience I got when I was as a IT student….

Information Technology (2015-16)
Mrs.Maharashtra, Business Analyst, Think Analytics Mumbai

Abhinav Deshpande

Overall teaching experience was very good at PVGCOE Nashik. Institute helped me to grow as good person who can sustain in today’s corporate world. Apart from the academics, technical aspects and practical utilisation or real-life application of thermotical aspects are taught by the institute.

Mechanical Engineering (2013-14)
Process Analyst, Infosys PVT. LTD, Pune.


Years of Existence


Teachers & Staff


Happy Students


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