Engineering Science

Welcome To First Year Engineering Deparment

HOD First Year Engineering is defined as application of Science. Hence Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics play a vital role in engineering education. Communication skill is also playing important part in the placements and rise in career.Above subjects are part of engineering undergraduate courses and compulsory for First Year Engineering curriculum. All the First year engineering activities are coordinated from the office of FE Dean. In addition to University final examinations, unit tests, demo online examinations, preliminary examinations are conducted. Different types of competitions, guest lectures, sports and cultural programs are regularly organized. Engineering Sciences Department has highly experienced and qualified faculty members. Department consists of all necessary laboratories equipped with ultra-modern facilities, for the first year of engineering course as per Savitribai Phule Pune University syllabus.

Dr. Sanjay G. Wakchaure (Dean Academics, HOD-Department of Engineering Science)
Computer Engineering

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